Brand guide service for the adventure ahead.


At the core of every great brand is an audacious idea that has been articulated carefully, simply, and clearly - a simple big idea.

David Paquette, integrates various strategy philosophies to help people in business feel great about the daily decisions they need to make.

Business owners, leaders and brand managers have found that our work re-ignites their fire. They experience renewed motivation and they are better equipped to move forward effectively and efficiently, day in and day out, while remaining in alignment with their long-term vision.

Read on to learn about my strategy philosophy, then schedule a free call to discuss your own idea for brand launch, growth, or refresh.

Kind words from clients.

As small business owners it is hard to define the line between our brand and ourselves. David has helped us understand our brand in the eyes of our customers, allowing us to focus our messaging on what is both genuine and resonant.

- Bree Breckel & Eric Weninger
Co-founders of Embark Maple Energy

Working with David was unlike any brand experience I've participated in before. The depth, time, insight and wise perspective that was brought to our work shone through in every meeting and presentation. I finally felt that my work was seen and understood in a way that I was not able to do. The result was a very comprehensive brand road map that will serve my business well now and long into the future.

- Nancy Sheed, Owner, Sheed Communications

David took my storm of swirling ideas and refined them into a clear vision, message, and actionable steps, and for this I am deeply grateful!

- Nina Smock, Founder at Resonant Heart

”This is so incredible! I can’t get over what you have created. Every part of this has been so much fun. I can feel through all of this your heart, your talent, your love and your creativity.”

- Kim DeYoung, Author & Thought Leader

”You captured the essence of it, which I was personally feeling was missing. I really see the value in what you do. This would take me 10 years if ever. Most incredible gift ever. “

- Lisa Roberts Hurd, CEO & Founder Lisa’s 1973



Define, Align, [re]Design.

I thrive on how a well crafted and implemented strategy can facilitate a path forward in all aspects of a business. At the heart of designing a winning strategy is a genuine interest and curiosity in discovering who you are and the true value you seek to offer the world.


Map the terrain before setting course.
I want to understand the nature and scope of the challenge you’re facing, what outcome you are hoping for and what specific barriers might be impeding progress toward that outcome. Let’s dive in! Brand leaders have said even the simple act of helping me understand the details of their industry and their chosen place within it has helped them see a desirable path more clearly.


Strong brands have a significant meaning.
Similar to repeating a mantra, alignment is about finding a guiding voice that helps direct you and your teams onto the same path as your buyers. In alignment, your audience will assign significant meaning to your brand as being in service of fulfilling their aspirations and they will seek you out repeated.


Not every business I work with needs edits to their brand identity. The outcome of our work will provide pathways for how to more effectively think about and apply the brand identity that you already have. In cases when new brand elements or edits are advised, I collaborate with a constellation of experts that I trust and support, including any that you may specify, to ensure all of your brand touch points are coherent.